Just Start

Richard Branson said: 'Just start. You will learn so many lessons just by doing.' You will never be perfectly ready, have all the answers or the perfect plan - that's why you should 'just start'.



This year we've challenged ourselves to a different theme every month to share the best content with you. Just Start January is up first. This is honestly the best advice I've ever received. It can apply to any aspect of your life. Starting a new fitness journey, trying a new hobby, starting a new business or learning something new. Sometimes we can get bogged down in all the details and never start. Fear of failure is a big contribution, however, if you don't fail - you'll never learn.



Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Online resources are your friend. We have so much information at our finger tips. A little bit of research can get you started on the right track

  2. Join a community whether online or local. Book clubs, running clubs, Padel clubs, the options are endless. Having a community of people with shared interests is one of the best ways to learn and ask questions about your shared interests.

  3. Set realistic goals. Dreams without goals are just dreams. Setting yourself small goals to tick off is a great way to stay on track and keep you dedicated.

  4. Don't give up. Starting something new is daunting and comes with a lot of challenges. Learn to take breaks and rest rather than quit. The best feeling is when you start seeing progress!

  5. Have fun!

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to follow more tips to just starting!

January 09, 2024 — KoaKoa Active

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