Ask The Dietician - Why Under Eating Won’t Help You Lose Weight
Ask the Dietitian: Why under eating won’t help you lose weight by Raia van Reenen Eating healthy while in a calorie deficit is a sure way to lose weight but...
7 Tips To Stay Motivated in Winter
We all know that feeling, the days get shorter, the nights get longer, the temperatures drop and sometimes take our workout motivation with it. It can definitely be harder to...
Intro to Trail Running - What You Need
Intro to Trail Running - What You Need Getting into trail running can be daunting. Where to start, what you need and all the things you need to know. We've...
60 Cycles Project - Rooftop Workout Event
One of the main reasons I started KoaKoa Active was to build a community that shares a love of fitness. I really believe that being active can change lives and have...
The KoaKoa Story
How We Got Started At the risk of sounding dramatic - running literally changed my life. My husband is a recovering alcoholic. He's very open about his story so he...